Wednesday, June 22, 2011

keep on grinding

Sup People,
Nothing much happening in my life at the moment, basically playing crappy at tennis :( Football is going ok, we drew last week and then won 2-1 in the Cup on Sunday so that was good :) Last game of the season tomorrow so hopefully we secure 3rd place and can then build on it next season.
Getting sick of looking for jobs, got to the interview stage on a few now but always seems the same excuse that im not experienced enough in comparison to other candidates :s Anyway not gonna dwell on it!

As with last week NL10 is going well still put in just under 8k hands now and won over 15BI.

So far im happy with how im playing, ive opened up my range a little as you can see and been more aggressive but at the moment its been gradual changes. This is how im doing so far this year...

Overall Bankroll is $318 so only another $9682 to my $10k target :D
Hopefully going to keep putting in the volume and start to take NL25 shots some point in July. Touchwood!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Grind Grind Grind

Well what can I say its been a good and bad week. The good bits have been running good at poker and the bad bits are everything else :/

Having no luck with my jobs, everytime I get to interview stage im told the reason im not given the job is because I cannot work full-time when I start back at uni FML
Anyway, we lost 1-0 to 2nd in the league at football so thats us out the promotion race, we played well but still not playing our best as a team.
Still sucking at tennis, because im not playing as often (once a week) my game seems to have dropped off, gonna have to start my lessons again when I get a job just to stay in a rhythm, on the plus side my serve is a beast now, can put it on a 50pence piece at pace so getting loads of points of my serve which is good.

As I said earlier my run at NL10 has so far *touch wood* been a success, in the last week ive played 8 hours, 2377 hands and showing a $44 profit which is nice, I havent changed to much in my game just kept it tight, im probably saving money rather than earning it from obvious folding spots where I may have called a value bet previously.

Not much else im going to add tonight because im nackered, so will maybe do an update friday or something and include graphs/hands etc

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Moving up to uNL ladder

Hello my followers and myself when im WSOP ME champ next year looking back at where it all started :P

Its been a good week so far for poker and life in general, Ive had 2 job interviews which I hope 1 will be successful and played abit of footy and tennis, we drew 2-2 against 4th in the league so we remain 3rd but its an uphill task to gain promotion now with only 3 games left, we need to beat 2nd place and hope they drop points in one of there other games! Tennis wise I missed the match at Brewood (lost 4-0) and played against Bloxwich last night (lost 4-0), first time id played in just over a week and it took me ages to adjust to playing on hard courts again, once I got in a rhythm I played solid but my partner had a nightmare which cost us really, nevermind.

Mostly want to talk about poker this week because im taking a big jump up to *drumroll* nl10 :) Its a big step for me because Ive been grinding nl5 for so long 35k hands this year which for someone who prob only plays about 500 hands or so in a session and not very regularly. anyway since my last post Ive been on a little bit of a heater 1867hands and a profit of $42.55, ive been really happy with the way ive been playing, obviously still some leaks but Im improving everyday so hopefully it can only get better *touches wood*

so I took my first stab at nl10 today and it went well, instead of my usual 6x nl5, I opted for 2xNL5 and 2xNL10, It certainly helped me find a rhythm but 4 tabling is so slow, the next session I may opt for 3xNL5 and 3xNL10 until I get to 25+BI for nl10 and then I will go for 6xNL10 :)

I havent noticed to many differences between nl5 and nl10 but im actively looking out for the regs and fish and trying to avoid/play pots with respectively.

Finally because of all the issues going on with FTP I was looking into what sort of level I need to be playing to get the equivalent of 27% RB on stars and to be comfortable id want to be gaining atleast goldstar each month now to get this id need to be putting in 47k hands/month at nl10 or 33k hands/month at nl25, so when I reach nl25 Ill see how possible it is to put in 33k hands/month and if its possible I may consider moving to stars but for the moment I am happy with FTP mainly because of regular RB :) 

A hand for your consideration; I absolutely hate the way I played this hand, thoughts?
NL Holdem $0.05(BB) Replayer Game#30941823373

SB ($5)
Hero (BB) ($5.05)
UTG ($5.16)
UTG+1 ($4.88)
MP ($5)
Villain ($6.68)
BTN ($2)

SB posts (SB) $0.02
Hero posts (BB) $0.05

Dealt to Hero 8c  8d  
fold, fold, 
MP raises to $0.15
Villain calls $0.15
fold, fold, 
Hero calls $0.10
FLOP ($0.47) 7s  6s  5d  
Hero checks
MP checks
Villain bets $0.15
Hero raises to $0.45
MP folds
Villain calls $0.30
TURN ($1.37) 7s  6s  5d  3c  
Hero checks
Villain bets $1.20
Hero calls $1.20
RIVER ($3.77) 7s  6s  5d  3c  2h  
Hero checks
Villain bets $2.34

Thursday, June 2, 2011

2 weeks go so fast

Cant believe its been like 2 weeks since my last post, I completely forgot about it last week so much going on for someone that has little to do XD.
Mainly going to talk about my poker progress this week because I want to really focus on it and really get my game moving in the right direction.
First though, haven't played any tennis since the Tettenhall match and im not playing against Brewood tonight because im playing football, hopefully the boys can beat Brewood and we can keep pushing for promotion!
Last Week on the football front we extended our unbeaten run after a 5-0 thrashing of Sons of Pitches and with results going our way we are only 2 points behind 2nd and 5 points behind 1st, we have got a tough last 4 games playing both the teams above us and the teams in 4th and 5th, but we are confident we can still get promoted!

From Friday till Tuesday I was in London with the Fam but because I was ill for pretty much the whole trip that scuppered my plans of fitting in some poker at the fox poker club, gutted I couldn't go but looking to go again later in the summer to play. Other than for being ill it was a good trip, sightseeing the usual spots :)

Poker time...Really gutted with how much volume ive put in the last two weeks, only 6055 hands :S and for the first 2800hands I was up around 3BI and then I had a brutal 2500hand session where I lost 5BI, I don't think I did too much wrong but there are definitely some leaks in my game that need patching up, ABC is still the way too go but when the tables are super nitty their is just no action unless villain has the nuts, so I think im going to have to table select a bit more and open my game up just a little, I usually run around 13/9/2 3bet but ive been experimenting with 15/11/4 3bet, just to generate abit more action and I think it will be alot better for my game.
Now after that rough session I was looking for abit of a BR booster, which I got in the way of finally getting to 5200 academy points, this enabled me to buy a $26 step 3 ticket, I used this to play a $24+2 9man matrix turbo, where I finished 1st/1st/4th/6th and 2nd overall for a $50+ payday, which is a significant chunk of my BR, as a result im going to look into taking shots at nl10 by the end of next week, should I put in a few decent sessions and alot of volume.

Going to cut it short here because Im off for a job interview at Asda, so got to get ready for that, will post some hands up later if I have time.

Wish me luck!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Beginning of Summer Break

The opposite to last week has occurred as this post is coming alot later than anticipated, I aim to make a new post once a week usually on a Tuesday or Wednesday but ah well its here now.
Finally finished university, so happy its done and I can relax until September or so I thought (more on that later), well it was weird really because Budgeting was easier than I expected and Tax was alot harder but hopefully I've done well :)

A few things im gonna talk about this week; mainly tennis, football & of course teh pokerz.

First off on the sport front, good news we beat Reedswood 4-0, didn't play my best but did enough, it was probably the most expensive game of tennis ever though as I broke the frame of my main racquet :( I liked my microgel but its back to the flexpoint for the time-being!
Also, we played Tettenhall tonight which we won 3-1, me and my partner won both our matches but the other two players won one and lost one. I don't know how because they were worse than Reedswood and that's saying something!

Hopefully we can go on a good run now and push for promotion! The next match is in two weeks at Brewood who do the best food ever, Chinese and Chips for after the match :P

On the football pitch we won again last week 1-0 which is another good result, we played tonight but because I was playing tennis I couldn't make it but the lads did well without me and we took it down 1-0 again.
I don't know how they work it out but because we joined the league late (taking over from a team that lost 4 straight) we have an adjusted points score, so at the moment we are 3rd in the league, so with the top 2 getting promoted we are in with a real shout!

Now the best bit, the pokerz :) Its been up and down the last 10 days or so, ive played about 8000 hands in 10days which is alot for me and I hope it continues, but unfortunately I only made a 85cents profit. Which considering I was down 5.5BI at one point isn't bad going. The problem ive been having recently is that its taking me a while to get in a rhythm. So im hoping to sort that out.

Now Ive got abit more time on my hands im going to start reading some more E-Books ive got, i'll have a look to see what ive got and then get reading. I think a few more tweaks and I can sustain a nice winrate over the coming months.
I never got round to playing the DTD grand prix 3 which was a shame but it wasn't cost effective in terms of petrol costs and it being a decent chunk of my live BR which is seriously depleted after spending alot of it on car insurance and living expenses.

So, im not doing much friday so will probably try and put in a 2k+ hand session (6 tabling NL5), Saturday im playing in a tennis tournament at Walsall TC dont know what level competition it will be but will be in with a decent shout either way. Sunday i will probably play tennis down wednesbury in the morning and I think im at my cousins communion or something, but hoping to catch some of the footy on TV.
Then next week ill spend most of my time job hunting and grinding and ill also be in London from next friday to tuesday so maybe get a cheeky visit in at the Fox poker club if i've got time and the money!

Now if anyone can get me a job doing almost anything ill take it (midlands area) also I am open to doing some voluntary work at accountancy firms, so if you or anyone you know could help me out leave a message :)

Well thats all for this week folks, catch you next week, where ill probably start discussing hands ive played :)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Final week of Uni

Hello all,
this weeks Blog is coming slightly earlier than I would have wanted because on Thursday and Friday, I've got my final two university exams for the year (Taxation & Budgeting). I can finally relax once those are out the way :)

On top of what I've done this past week I want to expand on a few things from last weeks Blog entry ! This is something I will always do to see if I have met my goals from the previous week!

The website - I'm still in the research phase at this moment in time, which wont change until I finish university this week and I can focus more on getting started ( thanks to everyone on the Hendon mob forum for there input).

Poker - Obviously due to revision I haven't had chance to put in as much volume as I would like but I have put in 2 sessions of 1500+ hands however I ended up down just over 2BI which is disappointing especially when I was up 3BI early on in the 2nd session but because I was intent on getting a 50FTP day I wasn't playing optimally as the session progressed. The only real positive coming from this is that I cleared some more of the bonus so it softened the blow a little bit!
As a result of the poor sessions I am considering setting some limits on the sessions I play even if it results in me not getting Iron-man because being a profitable player is the key at the moment, I have thought of a few Ideas and I have set a limit on 500 hands per session, max 4 session per day. This is so I take breaks and come back for another session refreshed.
Also If I am up 2BI I will take a break and then come back in 30 minutes or so and continue but if I am down 2BI I will stop playing for the rest of the day!

Road trip - This has taken an interesting turn this week because of a number of reasons; my aunt and uncle may be coming back to the UK before the WSOP 2012 due to my uncles contract expiring, I don't know the finer details, also this coming December it is my 21st birthday and quite out the blue my Mom asked me if I wanted to go to Las Vegas for my 21st/new years, which considering they don't like me playing poker is a bit weird but Ill snap there hand off for a free trip to LV :) This will of course change my plans for the summer because I will then if I don't have the bankroll for WSOP2012 I will be happy to not take risks or go out on a smaller budget but wait for WSOP 2013 and hopefully with an enhanced bankroll be able to build up to playing in 2013 instead! I would prefer playing in 2012 though :)

Right, so what's happening this past week in my life, well a few things; Ive been revising like mad but that's not worth boring you with the details on (unless you want to know some nice tax loopholes) :D
On the sport front, only played tennis for two hours on Wednesday afternoon, hour with my coach and then I had a mix in from with a few people from the Walsall B/C team.
Don't think I mentioned in the last blog that I play 7-a-side football, its a new thing with my mates but we are all half decent players, we joined the league halfway thru taking over a team that had lost 5 straight before they dropped out, we played our 1st match two weeks ago which we lost 1-0 in the last minute vs 1st in the league (Faulkner's swine flu!). This week though we won 2-0 vs 3rd in the league (Obi-wan Kenobi Nil) so we
are doing well, plus I got an assist on the 2nd goal for us :D

On the job front I got a phone call Thursday about a job interview which I went to Saturday morning, for part time bar work at Great Barr golf club, will find out how I got on this week hopefully. The one disappointing thing is that there were 35+ people applying for 2 jobs. I'm optimistic I'm in with a shout because I think I came across well so hopefully I get it. 
Also this week I did abit of video transcription for a member of the Hendon mob which is good but took a lot longer than I had hoped it would take, I've got another one to do for Wednesday, so I've got to try and find time for that at some point.

So really other than for alot of revision its been a quiet week, this week I've got a few things that I want to do/get sorted out;
Ive got an $11 scoop ticket on stars so Ive just looked at the schedule and I will probably play event 8 low, which is a nlhe turbo with $75k g'tee so its gonna be a crapshoot but will be a laugh. starts at 10pm tuesday night if anyone is interested in joining in!
Also tonight Ive got a tennis match against Reedswood, ive played there A & B team before and done quite well (Draw vs A and beaten there B team), but this is the first time I will have played there C team, Ive heard there not very good so hopefully we should get a W on the board.
In 7-a-side were playing recess monkeys who are 4th, they drew 0-0 v the team we beat last week so hopefully we can beat them this week.
Also Im going to decide what day of the DTD grand prix 3 ill be playing, haven't really got a preference but ill need to be quick if I want to play Friday as its selling out fast!

Thanks all for this week folks, probably forgot a few things but, once I get uni out the way I can talk more about the pokerz. GL at the tables!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Firstly a short introduction about me, one average kid living at home and trying to make a stamp on the world one way or another!

This is my 2nd attempt at a blog so hopefully this will succeed where the 1st one failed (I put no effort into it!). Obviously there are a number of reasons why people set up blog's and mine is because I am setting myself a number of goals/challenges for the next 12/15 months, before I go into each goal im gonna talk about myself abit, im currently 20 and studying a degree in accounting and finance, I've got one year left so the long term aim is to set myself up for when uni is finished next year. I like to play poker and I am currently grinding a roll in online poker, ill post the graph at the bottom of the blog so you can see how im doing, you will see that I went on sick tilt playing for my whole roll at the end of 2010, but since then I have grinded $70 from 500FTPs that I had left over, playing nl5 rush.

Before I go onto my goals Ill tell you about my dream 2012; I want to finish up my degree (last day of assessment is 11/5/2012) and then go travelling for the summer/year depending on funds! The plan would be to play the WSOP June/July and then take a road trip from vegas to Savannah, GA (where my aunt and uncle live), from there I would either carry on travelling the world or come back home depending how money is and if I have a job lined up!

Right then down to business the challenges im setting myself;

1, I want to create a website, with a built in database, the topic for the website is a secret that I will disclose in the future when the site is close to completion, I have no idea of how long it is going to take but ideally I would like it to be up and running prior to the end of June, the longer term aim is to get hooked up with Google Adsense so I can make abit of money off of it, this will hopefully lead to a steady stream of income which will help pay for my final years tuition fees and my possible road trip!

2, I don't have a specific number of hands that I want to play by the end of the year but I would just like to play as much as possible online to build up a solid roll, but the main aim is to qualify for next years WSOP, that may seem like a far-fetched goal but I think it is in theory very attainable. Im not going to go into detail about the WSOP now because satellites won't begin until next year but I am mentioning it now because it is linked to challenge number 3 and depending how big my roll is depends how many Satellites I can enter.

3, I would like to have enough money by June to be able for atleast the summer to go on a road trip, if I couldnt afford USA then I would probably travel around europe to cut down on spending but really I don't want to do that I want to play the world series win a bracelet and become a poker pro and travel the world!

Well thats it so far, sorry its abit jumbled up but I haven't planned any of it ive just sort of stuck down whats popped into my head at this very moment :) Ill post a better structured blog next time, ill hope to make it atleast a weekly project to update you all on whats going down in my life!

GL on the tables! and thanks for reading!

As you can see on the graph my career valley was $151.62 which was the last time I played in 2010, all the profit is from nl5 rush and that is a $56 profit thru the 4 months to the end of April! So not bad so far this year! I was a losing player initially but I put in alot of hard work and it looks like ive turned it around for 2011. touch wood!