Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Firstly a short introduction about me, one average kid living at home and trying to make a stamp on the world one way or another!

This is my 2nd attempt at a blog so hopefully this will succeed where the 1st one failed (I put no effort into it!). Obviously there are a number of reasons why people set up blog's and mine is because I am setting myself a number of goals/challenges for the next 12/15 months, before I go into each goal im gonna talk about myself abit, im currently 20 and studying a degree in accounting and finance, I've got one year left so the long term aim is to set myself up for when uni is finished next year. I like to play poker and I am currently grinding a roll in online poker, ill post the graph at the bottom of the blog so you can see how im doing, you will see that I went on sick tilt playing for my whole roll at the end of 2010, but since then I have grinded $70 from 500FTPs that I had left over, playing nl5 rush.

Before I go onto my goals Ill tell you about my dream 2012; I want to finish up my degree (last day of assessment is 11/5/2012) and then go travelling for the summer/year depending on funds! The plan would be to play the WSOP June/July and then take a road trip from vegas to Savannah, GA (where my aunt and uncle live), from there I would either carry on travelling the world or come back home depending how money is and if I have a job lined up!

Right then down to business the challenges im setting myself;

1, I want to create a website, with a built in database, the topic for the website is a secret that I will disclose in the future when the site is close to completion, I have no idea of how long it is going to take but ideally I would like it to be up and running prior to the end of June, the longer term aim is to get hooked up with Google Adsense so I can make abit of money off of it, this will hopefully lead to a steady stream of income which will help pay for my final years tuition fees and my possible road trip!

2, I don't have a specific number of hands that I want to play by the end of the year but I would just like to play as much as possible online to build up a solid roll, but the main aim is to qualify for next years WSOP, that may seem like a far-fetched goal but I think it is in theory very attainable. Im not going to go into detail about the WSOP now because satellites won't begin until next year but I am mentioning it now because it is linked to challenge number 3 and depending how big my roll is depends how many Satellites I can enter.

3, I would like to have enough money by June to be able for atleast the summer to go on a road trip, if I couldnt afford USA then I would probably travel around europe to cut down on spending but really I don't want to do that I want to play the world series win a bracelet and become a poker pro and travel the world!

Well thats it so far, sorry its abit jumbled up but I haven't planned any of it ive just sort of stuck down whats popped into my head at this very moment :) Ill post a better structured blog next time, ill hope to make it atleast a weekly project to update you all on whats going down in my life!

GL on the tables! and thanks for reading!

As you can see on the graph my career valley was $151.62 which was the last time I played in 2010, all the profit is from nl5 rush and that is a $56 profit thru the 4 months to the end of April! So not bad so far this year! I was a losing player initially but I put in alot of hard work and it looks like ive turned it around for 2011. touch wood!

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