Thursday, May 19, 2011

Beginning of Summer Break

The opposite to last week has occurred as this post is coming alot later than anticipated, I aim to make a new post once a week usually on a Tuesday or Wednesday but ah well its here now.
Finally finished university, so happy its done and I can relax until September or so I thought (more on that later), well it was weird really because Budgeting was easier than I expected and Tax was alot harder but hopefully I've done well :)

A few things im gonna talk about this week; mainly tennis, football & of course teh pokerz.

First off on the sport front, good news we beat Reedswood 4-0, didn't play my best but did enough, it was probably the most expensive game of tennis ever though as I broke the frame of my main racquet :( I liked my microgel but its back to the flexpoint for the time-being!
Also, we played Tettenhall tonight which we won 3-1, me and my partner won both our matches but the other two players won one and lost one. I don't know how because they were worse than Reedswood and that's saying something!

Hopefully we can go on a good run now and push for promotion! The next match is in two weeks at Brewood who do the best food ever, Chinese and Chips for after the match :P

On the football pitch we won again last week 1-0 which is another good result, we played tonight but because I was playing tennis I couldn't make it but the lads did well without me and we took it down 1-0 again.
I don't know how they work it out but because we joined the league late (taking over from a team that lost 4 straight) we have an adjusted points score, so at the moment we are 3rd in the league, so with the top 2 getting promoted we are in with a real shout!

Now the best bit, the pokerz :) Its been up and down the last 10 days or so, ive played about 8000 hands in 10days which is alot for me and I hope it continues, but unfortunately I only made a 85cents profit. Which considering I was down 5.5BI at one point isn't bad going. The problem ive been having recently is that its taking me a while to get in a rhythm. So im hoping to sort that out.

Now Ive got abit more time on my hands im going to start reading some more E-Books ive got, i'll have a look to see what ive got and then get reading. I think a few more tweaks and I can sustain a nice winrate over the coming months.
I never got round to playing the DTD grand prix 3 which was a shame but it wasn't cost effective in terms of petrol costs and it being a decent chunk of my live BR which is seriously depleted after spending alot of it on car insurance and living expenses.

So, im not doing much friday so will probably try and put in a 2k+ hand session (6 tabling NL5), Saturday im playing in a tennis tournament at Walsall TC dont know what level competition it will be but will be in with a decent shout either way. Sunday i will probably play tennis down wednesbury in the morning and I think im at my cousins communion or something, but hoping to catch some of the footy on TV.
Then next week ill spend most of my time job hunting and grinding and ill also be in London from next friday to tuesday so maybe get a cheeky visit in at the Fox poker club if i've got time and the money!

Now if anyone can get me a job doing almost anything ill take it (midlands area) also I am open to doing some voluntary work at accountancy firms, so if you or anyone you know could help me out leave a message :)

Well thats all for this week folks, catch you next week, where ill probably start discussing hands ive played :)

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