Monday, May 9, 2011

Final week of Uni

Hello all,
this weeks Blog is coming slightly earlier than I would have wanted because on Thursday and Friday, I've got my final two university exams for the year (Taxation & Budgeting). I can finally relax once those are out the way :)

On top of what I've done this past week I want to expand on a few things from last weeks Blog entry ! This is something I will always do to see if I have met my goals from the previous week!

The website - I'm still in the research phase at this moment in time, which wont change until I finish university this week and I can focus more on getting started ( thanks to everyone on the Hendon mob forum for there input).

Poker - Obviously due to revision I haven't had chance to put in as much volume as I would like but I have put in 2 sessions of 1500+ hands however I ended up down just over 2BI which is disappointing especially when I was up 3BI early on in the 2nd session but because I was intent on getting a 50FTP day I wasn't playing optimally as the session progressed. The only real positive coming from this is that I cleared some more of the bonus so it softened the blow a little bit!
As a result of the poor sessions I am considering setting some limits on the sessions I play even if it results in me not getting Iron-man because being a profitable player is the key at the moment, I have thought of a few Ideas and I have set a limit on 500 hands per session, max 4 session per day. This is so I take breaks and come back for another session refreshed.
Also If I am up 2BI I will take a break and then come back in 30 minutes or so and continue but if I am down 2BI I will stop playing for the rest of the day!

Road trip - This has taken an interesting turn this week because of a number of reasons; my aunt and uncle may be coming back to the UK before the WSOP 2012 due to my uncles contract expiring, I don't know the finer details, also this coming December it is my 21st birthday and quite out the blue my Mom asked me if I wanted to go to Las Vegas for my 21st/new years, which considering they don't like me playing poker is a bit weird but Ill snap there hand off for a free trip to LV :) This will of course change my plans for the summer because I will then if I don't have the bankroll for WSOP2012 I will be happy to not take risks or go out on a smaller budget but wait for WSOP 2013 and hopefully with an enhanced bankroll be able to build up to playing in 2013 instead! I would prefer playing in 2012 though :)

Right, so what's happening this past week in my life, well a few things; Ive been revising like mad but that's not worth boring you with the details on (unless you want to know some nice tax loopholes) :D
On the sport front, only played tennis for two hours on Wednesday afternoon, hour with my coach and then I had a mix in from with a few people from the Walsall B/C team.
Don't think I mentioned in the last blog that I play 7-a-side football, its a new thing with my mates but we are all half decent players, we joined the league halfway thru taking over a team that had lost 5 straight before they dropped out, we played our 1st match two weeks ago which we lost 1-0 in the last minute vs 1st in the league (Faulkner's swine flu!). This week though we won 2-0 vs 3rd in the league (Obi-wan Kenobi Nil) so we
are doing well, plus I got an assist on the 2nd goal for us :D

On the job front I got a phone call Thursday about a job interview which I went to Saturday morning, for part time bar work at Great Barr golf club, will find out how I got on this week hopefully. The one disappointing thing is that there were 35+ people applying for 2 jobs. I'm optimistic I'm in with a shout because I think I came across well so hopefully I get it. 
Also this week I did abit of video transcription for a member of the Hendon mob which is good but took a lot longer than I had hoped it would take, I've got another one to do for Wednesday, so I've got to try and find time for that at some point.

So really other than for alot of revision its been a quiet week, this week I've got a few things that I want to do/get sorted out;
Ive got an $11 scoop ticket on stars so Ive just looked at the schedule and I will probably play event 8 low, which is a nlhe turbo with $75k g'tee so its gonna be a crapshoot but will be a laugh. starts at 10pm tuesday night if anyone is interested in joining in!
Also tonight Ive got a tennis match against Reedswood, ive played there A & B team before and done quite well (Draw vs A and beaten there B team), but this is the first time I will have played there C team, Ive heard there not very good so hopefully we should get a W on the board.
In 7-a-side were playing recess monkeys who are 4th, they drew 0-0 v the team we beat last week so hopefully we can beat them this week.
Also Im going to decide what day of the DTD grand prix 3 ill be playing, haven't really got a preference but ill need to be quick if I want to play Friday as its selling out fast!

Thanks all for this week folks, probably forgot a few things but, once I get uni out the way I can talk more about the pokerz. GL at the tables!

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