Thursday, June 2, 2011

2 weeks go so fast

Cant believe its been like 2 weeks since my last post, I completely forgot about it last week so much going on for someone that has little to do XD.
Mainly going to talk about my poker progress this week because I want to really focus on it and really get my game moving in the right direction.
First though, haven't played any tennis since the Tettenhall match and im not playing against Brewood tonight because im playing football, hopefully the boys can beat Brewood and we can keep pushing for promotion!
Last Week on the football front we extended our unbeaten run after a 5-0 thrashing of Sons of Pitches and with results going our way we are only 2 points behind 2nd and 5 points behind 1st, we have got a tough last 4 games playing both the teams above us and the teams in 4th and 5th, but we are confident we can still get promoted!

From Friday till Tuesday I was in London with the Fam but because I was ill for pretty much the whole trip that scuppered my plans of fitting in some poker at the fox poker club, gutted I couldn't go but looking to go again later in the summer to play. Other than for being ill it was a good trip, sightseeing the usual spots :)

Poker time...Really gutted with how much volume ive put in the last two weeks, only 6055 hands :S and for the first 2800hands I was up around 3BI and then I had a brutal 2500hand session where I lost 5BI, I don't think I did too much wrong but there are definitely some leaks in my game that need patching up, ABC is still the way too go but when the tables are super nitty their is just no action unless villain has the nuts, so I think im going to have to table select a bit more and open my game up just a little, I usually run around 13/9/2 3bet but ive been experimenting with 15/11/4 3bet, just to generate abit more action and I think it will be alot better for my game.
Now after that rough session I was looking for abit of a BR booster, which I got in the way of finally getting to 5200 academy points, this enabled me to buy a $26 step 3 ticket, I used this to play a $24+2 9man matrix turbo, where I finished 1st/1st/4th/6th and 2nd overall for a $50+ payday, which is a significant chunk of my BR, as a result im going to look into taking shots at nl10 by the end of next week, should I put in a few decent sessions and alot of volume.

Going to cut it short here because Im off for a job interview at Asda, so got to get ready for that, will post some hands up later if I have time.

Wish me luck!

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