Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Grind Grind Grind

Well what can I say its been a good and bad week. The good bits have been running good at poker and the bad bits are everything else :/

Having no luck with my jobs, everytime I get to interview stage im told the reason im not given the job is because I cannot work full-time when I start back at uni FML
Anyway, we lost 1-0 to 2nd in the league at football so thats us out the promotion race, we played well but still not playing our best as a team.
Still sucking at tennis, because im not playing as often (once a week) my game seems to have dropped off, gonna have to start my lessons again when I get a job just to stay in a rhythm, on the plus side my serve is a beast now, can put it on a 50pence piece at pace so getting loads of points of my serve which is good.

As I said earlier my run at NL10 has so far *touch wood* been a success, in the last week ive played 8 hours, 2377 hands and showing a $44 profit which is nice, I havent changed to much in my game just kept it tight, im probably saving money rather than earning it from obvious folding spots where I may have called a value bet previously.

Not much else im going to add tonight because im nackered, so will maybe do an update friday or something and include graphs/hands etc

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